We offer monthly CWP classes, individual, or group classes. Chris will accompany you to a gun store to choose your next gun or sit down with our collection and help you determine what you need. Supervised shooting on our range is billed hourly. Bring your own gun and ammo or rent a gun and buy ammo from us. See our Calendar of Events for more details and current pricing.
Gun Sales
Order online and we’ll let you know when to pick it up, or we can ship it to your local FFL dealer. Legal requirements apply. Come in for a consultation if you need help choosing a gun. Call 864 483-0359 or email with questions or to make an appointment.
Gun Transfers
If you buy a gun from someone else we can help you transfer it into your name. Current and former students receive a discount.
Entertainment and Information
Head over to to see a myriad of informative videos on gun-related topics including gun and gear reviews, how-to videos, and interviews with Second Amendment advocates and local and state officials on topics of interest to gun owners.
Carla writes our blog, so be sure to explore for lots of written information about guns and your Second Amendment Rights.
Gun Cleaning
The least fun aspect of gun ownership is keeping your gun clean. Chris will clean your handgun or long gun for you. Certain conditions apply. Call 864 483-0459 to arrange your gun cleaning. If you prefer, Chris can teach you how to clean your gun.
Chris is a graduate of Modern Gun School.