Once you make the decision to carry a concealed weapon, size becomes an issue, especially for the petite among us. If you like revolvers, consider a .38 special such as the Kimber K6S, with a 2 inch barrel and a capacity of 6 rounds. Weight becomes an issue at this level, and the Kimber weighs in at a moderate 23 ounces. The Ruger LCR .38 Special +P is only 13.5 ounces with a 1.87 inch barrel, improving comfort of carry but also increasing the velocity of the kickback. Its cylinder holds five rounds. The extra powder in the +P model increases the velocity of the round as it exits, giving it more stopping power but increasing the kick that you feel in your hand.
Author: Carla Pittman
The Sanctity of Your Home
The Third Amendment to the Constitution is so well accepted that there has never been a Supreme Court Case about it. We can all agree that the government does not need your home to house its soldiers. But what else are we inviting into our homes today?
Home Gun Safety
You primary home defense gun is best close at hand in a locked box or drawer by your bedside. Some locked boxes can be attached to the bed or nightstand with magnets or screws.
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America
If the government takes your property, or infringes your right to assemble peaceably, or denies your right to exercise your religious beliefs, don’t take it! File a lawsuit and make the courts deliberate on the issue.
Happy Memorial Day 2020
My husband Chris and I are launching a new website today: https://doubleeaglegunworks.com. We have two purposes: he is starting a business called Double Eagle Gunworks to provide firearms training to our community. Currently he is credentialed for individual and group sessions on all things firearms related, from choosing a firearm to using it safely. He can even take you to a gun show and help you shop for your firearms and supplies.