We explain the parts of the revolver with: muzzle, barrel, cylinder, trigger, grip, sights, trigger guard, hammer, cylinder release, crane, ratchet, ejector rod, and firing pin.
The Anatomy of a Semi-Automatic Pistol: A Photo Guide
We have broken down our Sig Sauer P320 into its parts: grip module, slide, trigger assembly, recoil spring, takedown lever, and barrel.
How to Clean a Semi-Automatic Pistol, With Photos
Keeping your pistol clean prevents malfunctions that are caused by the fouling of the internal workings. Fortunately, every other month is sufficient for casual shooters. Let’s break it down, and then we will go back and examine the steps in greater detail. Cleaning a semi-automatic is a bit more involved than cleaning a revolver because…
How to Clean a Revolver: Step By Step Photos
Unload the gun. Dip a bore brush in cleaning solvent. Feed the brush through the cylinder and the barrel. Feed a cleaning patch through the cylinder and the barrel. Clean around the muzzle with a brush. Clean the extractor with solvent. Use a clean cloth to oil the outside, except the grip.
17 Nifty Accessories for Your Gun
Range Bags
Red Dot Sights
Shooting Sticks
Bore Sights
Bench Stands
Laser Sights
Shooting Apps
Spotting Scopes
Laser Training SIRT Pistols
Holographic Sights
How to Draw a Gun From a Holster —Practice Makes Perfect
If you are wearing a jacket, use your hand to sweep it out of the way and grip the butt of your gun as you would for shooting. If an untucked shirt covers the gun, clear it by grabbing the hem with your nonshooting hand and lifting it above the gun while the shooting hand grabs the weapon. A tucked shirt with an in the waistband will require an extra tug with the non shooting hand to free the hem of the shirt and lift it out of the way.
Use your thumb to open any flaps or snaps that hold the gun in the holster. Lift upward to clear the holster. Rotate the muzzle forward and upward until you reach shooting level, pointing at the target.
What is an AR-15? Photos, Components, How it Works
The AR-15 style rifle is a lightweight semi-automatic rifle closely related to the military M16 and M4 Carbine rifles. Between 1994 and 2004 some varieties were classified as “assault weapons” and were illegal under the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.
Easy Adaptations For the Elderly or Disabled Shooter
In my day job I am a speech pathologist, so I see people using adaptive technology for eating, walking, and even communicating. I wondered what was out there to help with shooting. Criminals know how to spot a victim, and they are going to target the elderly and infirm for break-ins and burglaries simply because of the greater likelihood of success in getting what they want. How can you gain the advantage in defending yourself as you get older?
The Preamble to the Constitution
This new nation was setting forth the idea that the authority came from below, from the consent of the governed. That had never been tried in the history of the world, and the delegates knew it. Let me introduce you to a few key players and their ideas. In this series I will explore the Preamble to the Constitution by finding out what its contributors thought about it.
What to Wear When Carrying Concealed: 15 Options For Women
A man will probably settle on one method of carrying and use it almost all the time. He may have six holsters but they will be variations on a theme. A woman will decide each day where she puts her gun based on her activities for the day, the weather, and even which clothes fit better that day. We go up and down in pounds and inches more dramatically than the average male.