You take a Concealed Weapons Permit class to learn how to shoot, right? Well, no. You need to show up for the class knowing that you are going to pass the shooting qualification test. In South Carolina that means putting 35 of 50 rounds into the silhouette part of the target.
Here’s what you need to do BEFORE you take a Concealed Weapons Class:
- Get comfortable with the thought of carrying a gun
- Get someone knowledgeable to take you to the range
- Learn the basic parts of the gun
- Assemble your gear: a gun, 50 rounds of ammunition, eye protection, and ear protection
- Consider at least an hour of training with a professional instructor
Get Comfortable With the Thought of Carrying a Gun
A Concealed Weapons class is not the place to wrestle with the ethical implications of choosing to carry a gun. You should think deeply on the matter, because it will change the way you live your life, but do that thinking before you arrive at the Concealed Weapons class.
First consider the reasons why you might not want to carry a gun:
- The expense of buying a gun and getting a permit
- The effort of getting a permit
- The places you can’t go with a gun
- The responses of your friends and family
- The liability involved in defending yourself
- The discipline required in handling a gun
- The increased sense of responsibility
Now consider the reasons you might want to carry a gun:
- The sense of helplessness that comes with being unable to defend yourself
- Concern for the safety of your family in today’s increasingly violent world
- Concern that the Second Amendment is under attack and the politicians may limit your access to guns in the future
- Increased awareness of threats in your environment
- Desire to be ready for unexpected events
- Because guns are cool
- Because someday you might be able to save a life and prevent a crime
You will be surprised at the changes that occur when you carry a gun.
The extra responsibility makes you slower to react to an insult. The knowledge that you can defend yourself makes you more tolerant of others. The situational awareness training that comes with the Concealed Weapons Class helps you make better safety decisions with or without the gun.
If you decide that the pros are weightier than the cons, it is time to address the way you will address your decision with friends and family. You have three choices:
- Explain your reasons and try to convince them your stance is reasonable
- Let them know your decision is not for discussion
- Don’t tell the people who don’t live in your house
Your spouse, of course, is entitled to a vote on whether you carry. What you tell your children depends on their age and attitude.
The beauty of concealed carry is that you don’t have to tell anyone. In fact, you should be very circumspect about who knows you are carrying. If I did not have a passion to restore the Constitution to its proper place in American society, you would have no idea that I carry a gun.
Consider how you will store your gun, what you will do when you visit a place where you can’t take your gun in with you, and whether you will be able to carry at work.
When you have decided that concealed carry is worth considering, you are ready to get some education. You can do this by consulting friends, qualified instructors, books, and internet sources like the one you are reading now.
Get Someone Knowledgeable to Take You to the Range
You probably know someone who carries regularly. Ask that person to explain the basics of shooting and then take you to a gun range for an introduction to shooting.
Most gun enthusiasts will be delighted to take you on your first trip to a range. Your friend may be willing to let you use his or her gun, or you may want to rent a gun. Do a little research ahead of time to see if you would like to try a revolver or a semi-automatic.
If you have the time and money, try out several different guns at the range. The one you think you want may not be the one you end up buying.
If you don’t have a friend who knows guns, look up a firearms instructor in your area. Your state’s licensing agency will have a list online, or you can visit the USCCA website to find an instructor.
Learn the Basic Parts of the Gun
Do a little reading online or buy a book that covers basic information to familiarize yourself with the structure and function of the gun.
Assemble Your Gear
You must protect your eyes and ears when shooting a gun. This is not optional. Simple goggles and disposable earplugs are fine. For the class, you will need a gun and 50 rounds of ammunition (check the requirement for your state).
We will rent you a gun and sell you a box of ammunition if you visit our class, but you need to check with the instructor when you schedule your class. Procure your supplies ahead of time, because guns and ammunition are currently scarce as a result of the political climate.
Consider a Session With a Professional Instructor
It seems redundant to take a class before you take a class, but think of it as a prerequisite. You can’t take intermediate college courses until you have completed the introductory course.
For More Information
For helpful videos, see our Double Eagle Gunworks Channel on YouTube.