The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 to “promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis.” As the nation’s best known source of information about shooting, the NRA has expounded a set of rules for gun safety. These rules expand on the four cardinal rules of shooting. Follow these rules to make shooting your gun fun and safe.
Author: Carla Pittman
What Will I learn in A Concealed Weapons Class?
There is no specific requirement for the length of the course, but expect to clear a day for it. After the class time, learning the laws and familiarizing yourself with the operation of the gun, you will shoot 50 shots at varying distances under the supervision of your instructor. To qualify you will need to hit the target in 35 of 50 tries. You will need to answer 70 percent of the written questions correctly on the test.
How To Clear a Malfunctioning Semi-Automatic Pistol
Typically you can just “tap and rack” to clear a jam: tap the base of the magazine to seat it properly, then rack the slide to clear the malfunction.
Where to Carry a Concealed Weapon in South Carolina
Now that you have decided you would like to try concealed carry, find out about the gun laws in your state. Laws vary from the Constitutional Carry of Vermont, where the Constitution is your permit, to the extreme restrictions of California and New York.
The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution
“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” This is the expectation for testifying in court: that you tell the truth without embellishment or omission. Failure to tell the truth in court is perjury, a punishable offense. There is an exception, however. You can plead the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution, which states that you shall not be compelled in any criminal case to witness against yourself.
Ammunition Explained: Type, Caliber, Weight, Components: With Photos
The components of a cartridge, or round of ammunition, are the case, the primer, the powder, and the projectile.
The Seven Fundamentals of Firearms Marksmanship
You have a basic idea of how a gun works. You insert ammunition, point it at something, and pull the trigger. A speeding bullet exits the barrel and makes a hole in your target. Now you would like to know how to do that consistently and well. Enter the five fundamentals of marksmanship: grip, stance, sight alignment, trigger control, and follow through.
What Types of Handguns Are Available? With Labeled Photos
The decision to choose one type of gun over the other comes down to personal preference. I prefer a double action revolver because it has fewer moving parts and therefore is less likely to malfunction. My husband prefers a striker fired semi-automatic because it carries more rounds and is easier to conceal.
Gun Safety: A Developmental Approach
Like the oven, the blender, and the lawn mower, the gun is a tool to be regarded with respect rather than fear, and handled only with sufficient maturity and education.
Are You Secure Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure?
The debate over privacy is ongoing. Unreasonable search and seizure includes information as well as physical property. Keep abreast of the actions of Congress. You never know what they are going to do next.